In Husum, the industry will be showcasing the latest cutting-edge technologies, product innovations and new digital service solutions. New trending topics, challenges and opportunities will set the event agenda this year.

Famous first words

Firstly, 2020 will represent a turning point for the German Energiewende as it marks the end of the EEG subsidies for the first wind turbines. After that, roughly 5,000 wind turbines will cease receiving financial support through the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG). An additional 8,000 turbines will follow until 2025. Thus, organisers are talking about 16GW of currently subsidised capacity with an uncertain future. The challenge and opportunity lies in developing new solutions for these wind power plants to further feed the energy into the grid. At HUSUM Wind 2019, a new collaboration space will be offered for innovators and first-movers, developing and testing concepts and services designed to prolong the lifecycle of wind turbines and optimise post-EEG use.

More than this

There lies good potential for the German market in further developing alternative financing and management options for wind farms. In early 2019, the first PPAs were signed, allowing the operation of wind farms past 2020. German project developers have revealed promising plans for renewable power plants without any governmental subsidies. Countries with likewise expiring subsidy regimes – as well as those without any national support schemes – could possibly benefit from the show's experiences. It offers the national industry and international players a central platform to present, share and discuss market-driving innovations and new business models. Secondly, falling prices of renewable energy and the stagnating expansion of the power grid create incentives to look into alternative usages for green electricity. Power-to-X technologies can significantly contribute to coupling the energy, transport and industry sectors. In order to achieve climate goals, we have to reduce the use of fossil fuels by increasing the share of renewable energy in all sectors. Sector coupling helps to render the electricity supply and demand more flexible.

Pearls of wisdom

The German energy transition is entering a new phase in which renewables will be more integrated. The German coal and subsidy phase out, as well as the slow grid expansion, pose significant challenges for the energy industry but also bear great potential.

This year, the industry is invited to celebrate the 30th anniversary of HUSUM Wind. Visitors can expect to learn more about future solutions for today’s challenges or share how to turn them into sustainable investments and business.