All articles by mark brierley
Connected continent
European countries are together the biggest and brightest offshore wind providers globally. But can Asia and the US realistically catch a region that boasts over 90% of today’s offshore capacity? James Lawson asks Peter Sennekamp of the European Wind Energy Association and BTM Consult’s Aris Karcanias to shed some light on the matter.
The efficient frontier
With environmental targets looming large, big business is redoubling its efforts to become carbon neutral. But as international organisations focus on ‘greening the grid’, how great a role will they play in future wind investments? Abi Millar investigates a growing trend.
Share the burden
Policy uncertainty in Europe and the US has had big consequences for the wind market. But how reliant is the industry on public finance mechanisms and will it ever be able to support itself independently? Philip Kleinfeld looks at the weighty economics of wind power.