Previously best known as a specialist builder of inlets for power lines, Hauff-Technik is now set on expanding into the offshore wind energy market. CEO Michael Seibold outlines the company’s vast expertise and the solutions it has to offer.

Hauff-Technik’s core expertise lies in the creation of hermetically sealed partitions in buildings and structures built from concrete, brickwork or sheet steel walls – and where, if not in the field of offshore wind energy, are such solutions urgently required?

The company’s wide range of practical applications across wind turbine projects demonstrates its extensive experience, which has been accumulated over many years in the onshore and offshore wind farm markets.

Whether customers are looking to supply individual turbines using medium-voltage cables or need a solution in the form of an extensive stainless steel sleeve for high-voltage shore connection systems, it is Hauff-Technik’s business to offer them an effective, high-precision design.

Competitive in-house manufacturing

Demands in the field of offshore wind turbines are particularly high. How will Hauff-Technik make its mark in this competitive market?

"’Hermetically sealed’ equates to much more than the usual IP protection ratings against the intrusion of solid objects, liquids and gases," says Hauff-Technik CEO Michael Seibold. "For us, ‘sealed’ is not just the description of a state, it is a promise that we make to our customers."

"For us, ‘sealed’ is not just a description, it is a promise that we make to our customers."Standard Hauff-Technik sealing systems remain tightly sealed even when immersed in water up to 50m deep (depending on the design and materials used).

"We can meet even more stringent requirements with our special designs and custom-made items, which can be produced and supplied to our customers within a few days thanks to our extensive in-house manufacturing capabilities," Seibold continues. "In our capacity as leading innovators, alongside our high-volume production, we are just as capable of handling small batch sizes – right down to a single unit – with our sophisticated manufacturing processes."


Although based in southern Germany – an area without a long maritime tradition or any international ports – Hauff-Technik is well equipped for these tasks.

"We constantly think about networks," says Seibold. "Networks are where the solution lies in meeting the challenge of transforming energy supply.

"Resembling a chain, the performance of a network is always determined by its weakest link. If just one seemingly small or apparently insignificant component fails under certain circumstances, such as ingress of moisture, this can affect the whole system – and can even lead to total failure."

About Hauff-Technik

Hauff-Technik is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of cable and pipe wall penetrations, and has been developing solutions for the energy supply and construction industries since 1955. With a range of more than 3,000 products, over the next few years,

Hauff-Technik aims primarily to intensify its expertise in the energy transformation markets, while continuing to increase turnover.


For more than thirty years Hauff-Technik has specialized in the uncompromising sealing of all types of buildings and building functions. Whether the classic single-family residence or the apartment building in the private sphere or also in industrial building complexes, such as airport terminals or factories – Hauff-Technik ensures safety.

The company’s solutions include cable entries, building entries, press seals, and special solutions. Hauff-Technik always focuses on the customer with his particular challenge. Finding a fast but highly-efficient solution for the customer that guarantees safety at the respective point is the driving force for the growing number of Hauff employees worldwide.

In addition to the classic major fields of energy and communication, in the future the company will also offer its solutions in the application areas of renewable energy, such as wind or biogas. In these areas, the accompanying planning consulting extending to final implementation is the focus of customer orientation. More than thirty years of know-how in the area of building sealing speaks for itself.

The principle – innovation

to think of processes, and also projects from the end, is the Hauff way of doing things, when the issue is implementing solutions that are really in line with customer requirements and market demands. This is why the sealing solutions from Hauff-Technik are not developed exclusively in the academic isolation of closed departments, but rather are developed jointly with the customers and for the special application.

Thanks to new processes, such as open innovation and rapid prototyping, Hauff brings its customers into the development early on; this means that "wrong development paths" and innovations purely as ends in themselves are successfully avoided. Thus, to date, valid standards in the sealing area have been successfully placed in the markets. For Hauff-Technik a project is not good when it is completed, rather it will only be completed when it is good, i.e. after it functions effectively and efficiently.

Wind turbines

Hauff-Technik is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of cable entries and pipe entries. We have been developing solutions in the energy supply and building industry markets since 1955. With more than 3000 products and continuous sales growth to underscore the company’s market leadership, Hauff-Technik is also at your side for complex international requirements.

For example, for planning and implementation of onshore or offshore wind turbines: In this area Hauff-Technik offers extensive support in the form of individual technical planning, extensive technical project support, training in-line with requirements, and also on-site offshore service. When the security of onshore and offshore wind turbines is the priority, with Hauff-Technik you will find an innovative project partner that implements your specific requirements in solutions.

Fast, flexible, efficient. Our product range extends from gas-tight and watertight cable and pipe entries to the latest standards in the area of fire safety technology.

Special solutions

There is an infinite number of different applications and thus an infinite number of solutions. The important thing in this respect is to never reinvent the wheel, but to use synergy effects. What technical feature from project A could possibly contribute to an efficient solution for project B, as well? Together with the client, we develop suitable solutions that satisfy the technical requirements in all areas.

From planning to implementation, we offer the full scope of support to our customers. Whether for multiple-entries that are anchor mounted, seals of undersea cables for offshore facilities, or multi-cable entries in mobile containers that are subject to increased fire safety requirements – Hauff-Technik has the right system and the right solution. With certainty.