Siemens Wind Power Services is a reliable partner for all services throughout your wind turbines’ entire lifetime. Having put our passion for wind energy into practice for more than 30 years, we have revolutionised flexible solutions for your benefit. With technological innovations, long-term agreements and a zero-harm culture, we meet both our partners’ and employees’ needs and have proven ourselves the undisputed leader in the offshore wind power industry. Everything we do is aimed at a single goal: providing an unparalleled level of quality and sustainability for you.

Modular portfolio

With an increasing number of turbines being installed around the globe, consistency is essential in order to generate an optimal return on investment throughout your project’s lifetime. Whether you operate wind turbines at inland, coastal or offshore sites, there is an intelligent Siemens service solution for your unique needs. Our service team will collaborate with you to deliver reliability and maximum output under any condition.

In four key areas – reliability, reassurance, optimization and knowledge – our portfolio gives you flexibility by providing you with a broad range of intelligent and innovative service solutions.


We offer you a multitude of modules that will keep your turbines up and running, and ensure an enhanced return on your investment.


For maximum wind turbine availability, we offer modules that make sure our product quality and service lives up to your expectations.


Select from modules that optimize the performance or capability of your turbines, or the entire wind farm.


Choose from modules that offer multiple opportunities to investigate and understand your turbines – from raw data to hundreds of training courses.

Service operation vessels – fathoming new depths with service ships

Cutting-edge technology and maximum safety make the maintenance of offshore wind parks using the new SOVs more efficient than ever before. And this also influences price development: maintaining offshore turbines will be considerably cheaper. More safety, more energy, fewer costs – this is the future of offshore wind energy.

Fast-paced developments and new challenges

The technology for producing electricity from offshore wind is more popular than ever before. Efficient, and with capacities of several hundred megawatts, modern wind parks can almost achieve the same performance level of conventional power stations. However, the ever bigger wind parks installed ever further from the coast present service teams with new challenges in terms of maintaining the plants.

With the new offshore service ships, Siemens is revolutionising the maintenance and servicing of offshore wind parks. Thanks to the ships, which are equipped with cutting-edge technology, weather-related risks are considerably minimised. Another advantage is that the floating workshops can anchor offshore close to the wind parks for a longer period of time. This means that this latest generation of service ships for wind parks is safer, quicker and more reliable at sea than any of its predecessors.

Head-high waves are no obstacle

The SOVs are also equipped with a highly modern, hydraulically stabilised bridge that provides service technicians safe access to wind turbines, even in bad weather. This enables technicians to literally "go to work" – and in 2.5m-high waves. With the conventional landing methods of the smaller crew transfer ships currently in use, maintenance staff are only guaranteed safe access to the wind turbines at wave heights of 1.5m.