Deutsche Windtechnik AG can look back on 2014 as being an immensely successful year: the company recorded an increase in annual turnover of 38% compared to the previous year with €72 million, passing the €70 million limit for the first time. The increase in business was mainly based on intense expansion of international service work onshore as well as offshore.

"Based on the 2,221 wind turbines which we support within the scope of fixed maintenance contracts on an international scale, Deutsche Windtechnik is probably worldwide market leader among independent service providers of wind turbines", says Matthias Brandt, member of the executive board of Deutsche Windtechnik AG, relating its position as a company in the independent service sector.

Offshore services in demand

"2014 was an extremely successful year for our company: once again we were able to prove our quality in the offshore sector by handling and overcoming challenging tasks at sea," reports Brandt. "Our top quality, flexible operating methods are not only highly appreciated in a wide range of repair work on offshore wind turbines, at the offshore substation and other offshore special components. Clients also appreciate that it is of benefit to them to include us at an early stage in production monitoring, commissioning, in quality management processes and of course concept planning of service work."

Onshore targets also exceeded

In the onshore business, an increase in enquiries from across Europe confirmed continued interest in the international service provided by Deutsche Windtechnik.

"To meet the wide range of customer demands, we have also expanded our European service network. The acquisition of the reputable Spanish service providers GPS S.L. (General Power Services S.L.) and Danowind S.L. was a milestone in this context", says Brandt with regard to business development abroad. "We have also set up additional locations in Poland and recently founded a new company in the UK. The new synergies which have developed within the company offer exciting prospects. We use our international exchange in many fields to further optimize our overall services."

Focus on customer satisfaction

The development of Deutsche Windtechnik is also based on an increasing variety in individual customer requirements and demands.

"We have to face the challenges and maintain a focus on customer satisfaction and excellent quality. This is essential for further healthy growth", explains Brandt. "We take a positive approach to our tasks and continuously optimise our focus to ensure outstanding services for our customers."

Complete service for wind turbines

The head office of Deutsche Windtechnik is located in Bremen. Deutsche Windtechnik provides a complete packet for technical servicing of wind turbines from under one roof. You will find more information at